Vans on a bridge with technology assistant tracking information
Fleet Technology

Fleet automation is here to stay

If you are a fleet manager, you might have heard of the term “fleet automation”. But what doe...

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Sep 15, 2023
2 mins Read
Construction equipment inside an unlocked container
Fleet Technology

How to stop construction equipment theft

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau and the National Equipment Register the cost of construc...

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Aug 15, 2023
3 mins Read
A person driving at sunset
Fleet Technology

Looking to stop unauthorized use of company vehicles?

One of the most common issues that employers face is the unauthorized use of company vehicles and equipme...

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May 31, 2023
2 mins Read
A man driving a truck, as seen from a backseat perspective
Fleet Technology

The problem with current AI Dashcams

If you are a fleet manager, you know how important it is to monitor your drivers and vehicles Read more&#...

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May 03, 2023
2 mins Read
A truck that has fallen off the side of a highway
Fleet Technology

Commercial vehicle accidents can cripple your operations

If you run a business that relies on commercial vehicles, such as trucks, vans, buses, or taxis, you Read...

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Apr 20, 2023
3 mins Read
A truck with a damaged front bumper
Fleet Technology

How FleetUp can help you reduce commercial vehicle accidents

Commercial vehicle accidents can have devastating consequences for your transportation business. Approxim...

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Apr 12, 2023
< 1 min Read
A GIF image demonstrating how to draw geofencing on the FleetUp platform, highlighting the process of defining geographic boundaries for fleet management
Fleet Technology

Keep your fleet on track: How dynamic geofencing creates a more efficient fleet

What does it mean to have fleet efficiency? For optimal fleet operations, balancing productivity, fuel co...

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Aug 19, 2021
3 mins Read
truck driver is using his phone while driving. The driver is holding the phone in one hand while steering with the other, with the road and truck interior visible in the background.
Fleet Technology

The downside of smartphone telematics

Many telematics and supply chain providers offer telematics with a major caveat – their cellular-based ...

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Mar 26, 2021
4 mins Read
Fleet Technology

FleetUp Solar Chargers: Green technology makes asset tracking more powerful

The adoption of new green technologies is making fleets faster, less wasteful, and more efficient. This i...

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Jan 11, 2021
2 mins Read
Fleet Technology

GPS and Field Technicians: Improve Remote Employee Management with 3 Tracking Technologies

If your field technicians spend most working hours at customer homes and businesses, it’s difficult for...

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Apr 14, 2020
3 mins Read