Simplify IFTA compliance

Automatically monitor and report mileage in every state your vehicles drive with FleetUp’s IFTA fuel tax software.

Streamline your processes and
stop paying IFTA fines

46% of owner-operators have experienced an IFTA audit, according to an Overdrive survey. In 2018, more than 75% of audited companies paid interest and fines. Inaccurate IFTA records mean that an auditor will eventually come knocking, and when they do, they’ll leave you with an expensive bill.

That’s why FleetUp and ProMiles have teamed up to help you streamline your IFTA reporting processes. Together, we free up your employees’ time and eliminate costly human errors.

Streamline processes

Gathering and filing IFTA data is complex, but FleetUp’s IFTA saves your drivers from tracking miles and saving receipts. It simplifies organization for your back office staff and makes sure no one misses a single step of the process. Automated IFTA reporting saves a huge amount of time and resources, freeing all your staff for more profit-generating activities.

Eliminate expensive fines

Most IFTA auditors aren’t looking for deliberate tax evaders, and most businesses that pay penalties thought they were doing everything by the book. The organizations that get audited have filed late, filed incompletely, or otherwise indicated that their internal systems are error-prone. FleetUp’s IFTA helps you avoid thousands of dollars in interest and penalties.

Reclaim your time

IFTA by FleetUp and ProMiles lets your drivers do what they do best — moving freight. Stop wasting your organization’s valuable resources in time-consuming audits. Let your back office staff focus on more productive work that grows your business. Eliminate cumbersome paperwork, organization tasks, mileage tracking, and reporting processes that drain time and energy.

Benefits and features

Automated reporting

  • Automate every step of IFTA processes, including data collection and filing.
  • Track your vehicles’ mileage and generate state mileage reports.
  • Eliminate manual error when filing reports and avoid noncompliance fines.

Cutting-edge technology

  • ProMiles imports all fuel purchases directly from your fuel card provider.
  • ProMiles takes GPS information and places it in a web-based Fuel Tax account.
  • Ensure your records are 100% compliant with federal and state tax regulations.

Increased productivity

  • Forget about the receipts your drivers were gathering and the miles they were counting.
  • Skip the hours your back office spent filing data and let them be more productive.
  • Stop wasting work hours in audits and complying with regulatory agencies’ requirements.

Request a quote

We’re here to help increase the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of your organization.

No matter where your business goes, we’ll be there, tracking your progress. Fill out the form and one of our specialists will provide a free consultation and show you how our IFTA fuel tax software works.