Real-time GPS tracking solutions for ports

Manage and protect your containers and assets with an all-in-one tracking solution

Overcome obstacles with cutting-edge telematics software

Ports face a daunting range of serious management challenges. They’re a huge target for thieves and smugglers. Improperly handled materials can cause environmental devastation. Government partners worry about the national security implications of countless daily shipments moving in and out of port borders.

What makes addressing these challenges even more frustrating is the sheer size of ports. It’s almost impossible to monitor thousand-acre yards where hundreds of vehicles, equipment, and containers are on the move.

But GPS fleet tracking software gives port professionals the ability to see what’s happening in their yards. With FleetUp, you can access the real-time status of everything from vehicle engines to container locations. There’s no faster way to get a bird’s eye view of your operation or to zoom in on individual issues. Get instant visibility now. Streamline and simplify the complex processes that keep your port in business.

Connect to every business on your yard

When shippers use FleetUp, they’ll be better partners. Not only will they reduce reckless driving and prevent smuggling, they’ll also move assets more efficiently through your yard.

Improve processes by working collaboratively. Real-time visibility shows you the status of the third-party assets in your port, helping you optimize day-to-day operations and improve long-term partner relationships. Give businesses the cloud fleet management software they need to work smarter, faster, and safer.

Track and optimize cargo handling equipment

It’s crucial to keep track of all your port equipment, including reach stackers, straddle carriers, side lifters, and forklifts, to ensure smooth operations. The FleetUp platform provides real-time location information to help ports monitor and optimize their cargo handling equipment. In addition to tracking GPS location, FleetUp can also assist staff in monitoring engine status and preventing unauthorized use or theft.

FleetUp asset trackers

Prevent smuggling

When smugglers attempt to bring illegal goods into containers, security personnel receive automated notifications.

Stop theft

When thieves break into containers or take assets offsite, security personnel receive alerts.

Stay powered

No other trackers provide 10 second updates for months at a time. Advanced options extend batteries even longer.

Automate entering and exiting alerts

Receive automated notifications when tracked assets enter or leave customized digital boundaries.

Reduce detention time

Measure how long trucks wait to load and unload. Identify and eliminate chokeholds that slow port processes.

Accelerate inventory assessments

Instantly find vehicles the moment they’re needed. Locate lost containers and shipments in seconds.

Build a safer, streamlined port

We’re here to help increase the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of your organization.

No matter where your business goes, we’ll be there, tracking your progress. Fill out the form and one of our specialists will provide a free consultation and show you how our ports fleet management software works.