Fleet Management Software for Passenger Transit

Manage and protect your fleet with FleetUp’s all-in-one Passenger transit fleet GPS tracking system

Prevent accidents by automating driver safety

In passenger transit, a single accident can ruin a company’s reputation. That’s why FleetUp’s automated safety tools are so beneficial – they never stop guarding your passengers.

The FleetUp AI Dashcam’s voice assistant speaks up and tells drivers when they’re driving recklessly. It then sends videos of those incidents to your personal FleetUp cloud, where managers can review the incident.

FleetUp’s Driver Safety Scorecard analyzes every drivers’ behavior over longer periods, identifying your fleets’ most dangerous drivers by week and month. It shows managers what specific behaviors need to be improved, so you nip problematic driving in the bud.

Give passengers top-tier customer service

Word of mouth is more important than ever. Customers don’t just share their stories with colleagues and friends – they write about their worst and best experiences online.

Set your business apart from the competition by providing the cutting edge support that customers love.

FleetUp’s live ETA is an easy-to-use support feature. You can send your customers 99% accurate ETAs, showing them precisely when their vehicle is going to arrive. Passengers worried about timing will be reassured that everything is on the way. Passengers who want to know how much time they have to get ready will be happy for the extra information.

Optimize driver performance to keep your passenger transit operation safe


Negotiate lower insurance premiums

When drivers drive better, you gain the negotiating power you need to lower your insurance premiums.

Reduce accidents, traffic violations, and fines

Driver safety scorecards keep drivers accountable, helping you reduce accidents and violations within your fleet.

Increase vehicle health with more cautious driving

Your fleet is an asset. Protect it and improve its longevity with driver scorecards and real-time driver coaching.

Stop bad driving with a voice assistant

The FleetUp AI Dashcam’s voice assistant recognizes reckless driving and tells drivers to improve their behavior.

Decrease speeding by coaching drivers

With our driver safety scorecards, you have the power to decrease speeding and other hazardous habits.

Save 10% or more on fuel costs

Fuel accounts for 60% of an average fleet’s budget, so it’s crucial to keep fuel costs as low as possible. With FleetUp’s comprehensive fleet fuel management system, you can:

  • Monitor fuel consumption for your entire fleet
  • Track drivers and pinpoint fuel wasting behaviors
  • Optimize routes with fuel economy in mind
  • Cut fuel use by 10% or more

Reduce the cost of passenger transit vehicle maintenance

Install quickly and easily

  • Compatible with all passenger, light-duty, and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Hardwire into vehicles without OBD ports in under 10 minutes, even without a technician.
  • Quick and easy installation means you can start diagnosing engines immediately.

Anticipate mechanical issues

  • Notice the warning signs that occur before major repairs are needed.
  • Never miss automated preventative alert sent via email or SMS.
  • Schedule minor repairs and maintenance before they become more serious problems.

Monitor engines in real time

  • Check any vehicle’s engine health in seconds with real-time monitoring.
  • Receive engine-specific fault codes sent directly to the FleetUp cloud platform.
  • Share Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) with partners and approved third parties.

Get back on the road quickly

  • Avoid unnecessary breakdowns with less time-consuming, proactive maintenance.
  • Waterproof hardware keeps working even in tough environmental conditions.
  • Your data is stored even if your vehicles lose network connection and sent as connections restart.

Take a peek under the hood