Real-time engine diagnostics

Catch and fix small mechanical issues before they turn into giant catastrophes with FleetUp’s fleet diagnostic software.

Optimized fleet maintenance

FleetUp’s real-time engine diagnostics allow you to proactively handle potential mechanical issues and avoid losing big money on repairs.

Avoid high-cost vehicle failure

The most expensive vehicle repairs rarely come out of the blue–there’s almost always warning. With real-time monitoring and timely alerts, you can act before disaster strikes and save significantly on repair costs.

Minimize vehicle down time

Having your vehicles off the road costs you money. Easier repairs require less time in the shop. Get your vehicles in top working order and back on the road as quickly as possible with FleetUp diagnostics devices and software.

Save money on repair costs

No one likes surprise breakdowns. Rely less on mechanics to handle lengthy, expensive emergencies. Instead, prolong the life of your vehicles by helping your team identify early preventive maintenance needs.

Install quickly and easily

  • Compatible with all passenger, light-duty, and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Hardwire into vehicles without OBD ports in under 10 minutes, even without a technician.
  • Quick and easy installation means you can start diagnosing engines immediately.

Anticipate mechanical issues

  • Notice the warning signs that occur before major repairs are needed.
  • Never miss automated preventative alert sent via email or SMS.
  • Schedule minor repairs and maintenance before they become more serious problems.

Monitor engines in real time

  • Check any vehicle’s engine health in seconds with real-time monitoring.
  • Receive engine-specific fault codes sent directly to the FleetUp cloud platform.
  • Share Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) with partners and approved third parties.

Get back on the road quickly

  • Avoid unnecessary breakdowns with less time-consuming, proactive maintenance.
  • Waterproof hardware keeps working even in tough environmental conditions.
  • Your data is stored even if your vehicles lose network connection and sent as connections restart.

Get the money and time-saving fleet diagnostics your business needs with FleetUp’s all-in-one fleet tracking devices.

We’re here to help increase the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of your organization.

No matter where your business goes, we’ll be there, tracking your progress. Fill out the form and one of our specialists will provide a free consultation and show you how our fleet diagnostic software works.