4 ways fleets can use telematics to save on fuel


Telematics: Tech systems that use GPS-enabled devices to capture vehicle data and transmit it over mobile networks

The price of diesel is now averaging over $5 – and is expected to stay that high through at least 2023. For fleets, there’s simply no solution to fix fuel prices over the short term. There are solutions to fix their fuel costs, however. Now more than ever, fleets need solutions to optimize their fuel costs and get the most out of every mile. Telematics can help.


How telematics can save on fuel #1: Identifying aggressive drivers

Aggressive driving might be a bigger fuel waster than you think. Behaviors such as harsh braking and rapid acceleration can reduce fuel economy by as much as 33%. 

Who wouldn’t want to reduce their fuel costs by 1/3rd? But without a proper telematics system, you’ll have no way to monitor aggressive driving. 

With FleetUp’s fuel management software, you’ll have the data you need to address the what, when, and who of aggressive driving – and save big on fuel.


How telematics can save on fuel #2: Identifying idling drivers

Every year, U.S. driver’s waste an estimated $20 billion every year going nowhere. And stats show just 20% of drivers contribute to 80% of fuel waste. Odds are, your fleet has some idling drivers. 

You shouldn’t use guesswork to identify who your fuel wasting drivers are. This is where telematics can help. FleetUp’s fuel management software will help you pinpoint the idlers causing big waste.


How telematics can save on fuel #3: Geofencing

Out-of-route miles can lead to big costs. For example, your drivers could choose to refuel at inefficient points, when their tank doesn’t call for it, or when the closest gas station is 5 miles out of route. 


How telematics can save on fuel #4: Predictive maintenance

A semi-truck has a ton of components. And your fleet has a ton of semi-trucks. When components start to go, so does your fuel mileage. How can you keep track of all of this and do so efficiently?

Telematics takes the headaches and guesswork out of fleet maintenance. FleetUp’s predictive maintenance will accurately determine when and what your fleet will need to service based on mileage, service dates, and maintenance timetables. You’ll be aware of fuel-wasting decay before it even starts and way before your fleet suffers from surprise engine failure.


Why FleetUp Is the best bet to save on fuel

Telematics is the technology with the highest potential to maximize fuel efficiency. FleetUp is the platform that realizes this potential. FleetUp pulls it all together. From geofencing to identifying idling and aggressive drivers, FleetUp has all the fuel-saving solutions telematics can offer – all on one platform. 

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