A: In case of failure, our failover system automatically switches servers. We also have engineering teams in the US, South Korea, Ukraine, and China – so the department is on the clock 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In cases of emergency, our automated pager duty system calls team members until someone picks up the phone.
Does FleetUp have a system colocation?
A: Yes, we have a colocation within our server zone.
What are FleetUp’s failsafe capabilities?
A: Our system includes multiple components, each with their own failsafe capabilities. Our cloud infrastructure has servers distributed in multiple zones to have zero data loss during outages in any geographical area, or due to high data transfers. In addition, our servers are designed to automatically scale based on the usage to avoid latencies and data loss. Data integrity is the key focus in our architecture and implementation to ensure our customers’ data is protected at all costs.
How does FleetUp secure customer data and privacy?
A: We use AWS Cognito. For all applications that don’t integrate with AWS Cognito, we encrypt passwords.
How does FleetUp prevent hacking?
We use several systems – AWS API Gateway, AWS System Manager, and Security Group in EC2. We constantly upgrade all of our systems in order to maintain our status as the industry’s most secure technology platform.
What’s the difference between a 4G and a Bluetooth network?
A: Bluetooth has an unstable connection, loses data, and is much more vulnerable to hacking.
What kind of coverage do FleetUp’s products use?
A: Our newest units use 4G. Our engineers are currently developing 5G products.
Who hosts FleetUp’s data?
A: Our data is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), the market leader in cloud ecosystems with the industry’s most comprehensive security and compliance controls.
Does FleetUp integrate with TMS?
A: Yes, our engineers will work with you to integrate with any TMS system.
Where is FleetUp’s engineering team based?
A: Our lead engineering team is in San Jose, California. We have additional teams in Los Angeles, South Korea, China, and Ukraine. Because the department is spread all over the globe, a team is always in the office, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our 24-hour engineering cycle not only keeps our systems safe – it’s why we build new technology faster than any of our competitors.