Comprehensive cargo & freight security with shipment monitoring

Prevent theft and ensure high-value assets reach their destination

Theft is a $30 billion per year problem.
Fight it with FleetUp’s cargo security software platform

Protect entire containers

FleetUp offers the industry’s only cargo and freight security solution with real-time break-in alerts. The moment thieves enter containers, SMS and email notifications are sent to users. Don’t wait to find pilfered containers – respond to theft when it happens.

Protect high-value shipments

Real-time shipment GPS location eradicates operational blind spots. Automated shipment registering and tracking eliminates errors caused by manual processes. Automatic “late” and “lost” shipment categorization provides full shipment traceability.

End-to-end cargo theft protection

Combine container protection with shipment protection to achieve comprehensive cargo security. Review frequent stop locations to determine if they are legitimate or not. When shipments are taken away from their containers, users will be notified via SMS and/or email alerts. See and react to in-transit theft as it happens.

Break-in alerts

Real-time alerts are sent via SMS and/or email when thieves break into containers.

Advanced map interface

See every shipment and container’s current GPS location. Access real-time asset data.

Automatic shipment registration

Eliminate manual documentation with automatic departed and arrived shipment registration.

Lost & late shipment detection

Achieve full shipment traceability with automatic identification of late and lost shipments.

In-transit theft alerts

When shipments are taken away from containers, users receive SMS and/or email notifications.

Fast DIY installation

All of FleetUp’s hardware is waterproof and easy for non-experts to securely install and activate.


of cargo is stolen in the US yearly

71% to 87%

of cargo theft occurs in transit


needs to be generated to make up for every $200k of lost cargo


is the average cost of one cargo theft

Automate cargo & freight security with data analysis

Thieves target operational weak points. And manual processes are where fleets are weakest. They’re slow, they’re prone to error, and they’re where insider theft is most likely to occur.

FleetUp’s cargo security software automates many of the processes that make businesses vulnerable. By automating shipment departure and arrival categorization, operations can eliminate the process of having to go through and manually note every incoming shipment. By automatically identifying late and lost shipments, FleetUp helps managers quickly hunt down missing packages and identify points where shipments run into problems.

Make faster decisions on a real-time platform

Centralize your entire shipping operation on FleetUp’s comprehensive platform. One real-time digital map shows the GPS location of every high-value shipment and key asset. Click on any asset to see its current status.

FleetUp’s platform features unified dashboard, automated operational analysis, customizable alerts, and management tools. Every authorized user will have access to the same set of current data, so your entire team will always be on the exact same page.

Take a peek under the hood