Industry Facts

In 2022, there were 13 million trucks registered in the US,
2.9 million of which are semi-trucks.

There are 3.5 million truck drivers in the US. Of that figure, nearly 2.0 million employee truck drivers operate heavy and tractor-trailer vehicles. This does not include self-employed truck drivers.

There are more than 400,000 road accidents involving large vehicles and trucks every year in the United States. That’s nearly 1,100 accidents a day.

Commercial trucks are involved in 2.4% of all vehicle accidents. On average of 433 people are injured every day in the U.S. in trucking accidents.

Commercial fleets play an important role in our economy. However, it can be difficult to manage a fleet of vehicles and drivers.

AI Dashcams Facts

Many companies are turning to technology to help them manage their fleets more efficiently. AI Dashcam can help reduce accidents and reduce unsafe driving behaviors in commercial fleets.

AI dashcams can help prevent accidents by detecting and preventing distracted driving.

A good AI dashcam can alert drivers when they are falling asleep at the wheel, or on the mobile phone.

Dashcams can protect you against insurance claims by proving your drivers were not at fault.

Dashcam videos can also be used as indisputable evidence in court.

Traditional dashcams problems

Fleet managers have limited resources and do not have the analytical time to manage their fleets effectively.

Reviewing dashcam videos requires a significant amount of time and manpower that fleet managers may not have.

They record countless hours of events, some with false positives, and they do categorize the most important videos based on risk level for fleet managers to review.

They do not provide deep analysis to spot trends or identify the most prominent issues and the most risky drivers.

They do not prioritize the key issues to prevent or reduce risky driving behavior. So over time, fleet managers do not have an effective way to correct risky drivers.

Without proper coaching drivers will make the same mistakes increasing the company’s risk and liability. Typically, 90% of all the risk factors come from 5% of the worst drivers.

They do not show how coaching has improved driving behavior or reduced the number of driving events.

FleetUp AI Dashcam Solution

FleetUp AI Dashcam solution provides a proactive and automated dashcam solution to help protect drivers and prevent the accidents

FleetUp’s dashcam solution automatically categorizes dashcam videos by risk level making it easier for fleet managers to focus on the most important videos.

FleetUp’s dashcam solution shows risk factors, trends and analysis of driving events.

FleetUp automated coaching allowing fleet managers to easily communicate and coach their drivers and staff.

FleetUp graphicall shows how coaching has had an impact on driving events and risk level.

And yes, of course you can use the live streaming of vehicles inside and outside anytime you want. 

FleetUp Comparison

Features FleetUp Other competitors
Stand Alone or part of fleet management check
GPS location tracking as stand alone check
Risk level labeling check
Trends & Analysis check
Automated coaching check
Immediate video download check 1-2 days

Learn how FleetUp AI Dashcam can protect your drivers and fleet.

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