Discover the benefits of FleetUp’s platform and learn how our customers use it to improve their operations.
Here are some helpful tips that might help you optimize your operations with FleetUp.
1. How do you prevent vehicles and assets against theft & unauthorized use?
Most theft happens at night and off hours
- FleetUp’s Protection mode, will alert you and your security team when FleetUp detects suspicious movement during your non-operational hours.
- You will receive a shareable live trackable link to help you recover your vehicle or asset.
- Companies that respond quickly have a greater chance of recovery their vehicle
High recovery rates have saved companies thousands of dollars in preventing theft.
2. How do you dramatically reduce your accident costs?
The average cost of a loss related to fleet vehicle accidents is approximately $70,000. Most bad driving behavior is caused by the worst 10% of drivers.
- Under that Dashcam tab, you can see a chart of the risk events. Below you can see the event distribution by vehicle, showing you how any dashcam events each vehicle has. Click the email icon of the vehicle you want to coach.
- Regularly coaching “bad” drivers can save the company thousands of dollars.
FleetUp customers have dramatically reduced driver events thereby lowering their risk for accidents.
3. How do you reduce your fuel costs?
The cost of fuel is a significant expense for commercial fleet businesses The average yearly cost of operating a commercial truck is approximately $180,000.
- At the bottom you will see will see the Top 5 Fuel Wasters by Idling, Top 5 Fuel Wasters by Speeding, etc.
- Click the Coaching button and then the Email icon and coach your driver with evidence based information to change their behavior.
FleetUp customers have saved between 10% to 30% on their fuel costs.